Perfil de Karlox9999


    Ultimos comentarios

    1. Karlox9999 Carlox9999 dice:

      este juego se lanzo el año pasado o es una demo?


      Sango Guardian Chaos Generation Steamedition PC Full
    2. Karlox9999 Karlox9999 dice:

      buenísimo el juego!😊, alguien pudo configurar el juego para jugar con el joystick de play 1, yo no pude!🤓


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    3. Karlox9999 Karlox9999 dice:

      Excelente aporte,lo pude instalar, pero no lo puedo ejecutar, cuando lo hago me aparece un txt q dice:

      Smells like Burned Chicken! We are sorry for the inconvenience.

      Your game files may have been corrupted, try to verify their integrity in Steam.
      If you still encounter the problem, please post this crash log on the Steam forums, we will try our best to resolve it.

      Unable to load DLL ‘Wwise’: The specified module could not be found.
      at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.LoadLibErrorTracker. Throw(String) + 0x6b
      at Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.InteropHelpers.FixupModuleCell (InteropHelpers.ModuleFixupCell*) + 0xdc
      at Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.InteropHelpers.ResolvePInvokeSlow (InteropHelpers.MethodFixupCell*) + 0x1d
      at Wwise.native_wwise_init(String) + 0x3e
      at + 0x12
      at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.program.initialize() + 0x131
      at BeatThemAll.MetaGame.program.Main(String[]) + 0x22a



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